The 引用ポスト Drama on X / Twitter in Japan. The Reason Why 引用ポスト (Quote Post) is Trending Explained.

Sayonara, "Retweet".

If you’ve been keeping tabs on X / Twitter of Japan today – you’ll know there’s a hashtag-sized storm brewing. The retweet, a cornerstone feature allowing users to share others’ posts, has seen a major facelift. The trending topic, “引用ポスト”, or “Quote Post”, is buzzing like crazy.

On September 12, “X”, formerly known as Twitter, decided to drop a surprise: a rapid redesign that has left many netizens with furrowed brows and hurriedly typing thumbs. The web browser version now hides the quoted tweets, likes, and bookmarks beneath a cryptic menu icon (represented by the all-encompassing “…”). Want to see who liked a post? Get ready for a digital treasure hunt! And here’s the catch - this change is web-exclusive. App users, for the time being, can sip their tea in peace.

As one entertainment writer mused, “Previously, we accepted the quirky renaming of tweets to ‘posts’, but altering core features? That’s like changing sushi to burgers overnight!” And let’s not even dive into the curious case of the formerly elite “verification badge” that, shockingly, can now be procured by anyone willing to part with some yen.

But it’s not all digital doom and gloom. As many a user scratches their head over the platform’s shifting sands, there’s a silver lining: a boom in “X Advisors.” Yes, these modern-day samurai of the social media world are here to guide lost souls through the maze of “X.” As one influencer consultant said, with perhaps a hint of irony, “It feels like we’re all children in Elon Musk’s playground. Though I can’t help but think he’s having the last laugh.”

In the grand tradition of Japanese perseverance, users will likely adapt, as they always have. But a humble plea to the powers that be – while we embrace change, perhaps consider that not all alterations are upgrades. Because sometimes, all we want is to enjoy our matcha without any spills.

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