When the Moon Meets the Burger - Japan's Whimsical Tsukimi Tradition. The reason why 月見バーガー (Tsukimi Burger) is trending explained in English.

This autumnal specialty Tsukimi Burger from McDonald’s Japan isn't just your typical burger; it's inspired by "Tsukimi" or "moon-viewing" – a Japanese tradition of honoring the autumn moon.

Guess what’s making waves on X/Twitter in Japan right now? That’s right, it’s the annual appearance of McDonald’s “月見バーガー” or “Tsukimi Burger”. Now, before you imagine a moon-shaped patty orbiting in a bun, let me shed some light on this celestial delight.

Enter the Tsukimi Burger

This autumnal specialty from McDonald’s Japan isn’t just your typical burger; it’s inspired by “Tsukimi” or “moon-viewing” (月見 => 月 means the moon and pronounces like Tsuki, and 見 means to see, sounds like Mi) – a Japanese tradition of honoring the autumn moon, which would appear to be the biggest for us on earth in September. The burger isn’t just paying homage to the moon with its name, but with its ingredients. Central to the burger is a luscious, steam-cooked egg that’s intended to represent the moon. Below it, a juicy 100% beef patty is accompanied by smoky bacon and topped off with a creamy tomato sauce. All yours for a mere 420 yen (~$4).

But wait, there’s more!

For those looking for an extra cheesy touch, the “チーズ月見” (Cheese Tsukimi) adds – you guessed it – cheddar cheese to the mix, giving an even richer taste to the already sumptuous burger. This year also marks the debut of a spiced-up version named “七味香る 牛すき月見” or roughly translated, “Spicy Beef and Moon-viewing”. This burger boasts a beef filling seasoned with shichimi (a seven-spice blend), adding a spicy kick to an already cosmic combination.

A Buzz Among the Stars (and on Social Media)

Japanese netizens are over the moon (pun intended) about it, with X/Twitter flooding with comments like “Been waiting all year for this!”, “Ah, Tsukimi Burger season again”, and “Definitely feeling the autumn vibes”. Now, I’m not saying it’s become a tradition, but… well, actually, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Japan’s love for seasonal offerings is second to none, and this moon-inspired burger has firmly rooted itself in the hearts (and stomachs) of many.

The Final Countdown

But all good things must come to an end. These special burgers are available only until late October. So, if you happen to find yourself under the autumn moon in Japan, why not enjoy it with a side of Tsukimi Burger? Just remember to take a snap and join the buzz if you like, because nothing says “I’m celebrating the season” quite like a burger tribute to the moon!

Note: You may check out the menu of McDonald Japan here: https://www.mcdonalds.co.jp/en/menu/burger/

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