What is バニーの日 (Bunny Day)? The origin of バニーの日 and the reason why it is trending explained in English.

バニーの日 means Bunny Day, a wordplay on the pronunciation of 8 and 2 in Japanese.

バニーの日 means Bunny Day, a wordplay on the date Aug 2. August -> 8 -> 八 (kanji) -> ハ (katakana), 2 -> に, Aug 2 -> ハに -> バニー (Japanese for Bunny).

Like mentioned here,

On SNS in Japan, there are numerous cases of such wordplay. They are somewhat netizen-made festivals when SNS users use as a reason to post about the topic…

It’s worth mentioning that bunny is a popular theme of otaku culture (probably imported from the west). There is this special category of outfit called bunny girl.

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