What does 年金3割カット mean? The reason why 年金3割カット is trending on Twitter explained in English.

年金3割カット means a 30% discount to pensions. A politician MOTEGI Toshimitsu said that on a live discussion on NHK.

年金3割カット means a 30% discount to pensions paid to retired people.

On a NHK program today, MOTEGI Toshimitsu, the current general secretary of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (well LDP’s always been the dominant party after WWII), participated in a discussion regarding the consumption tax. He pointed out bluntly that, “if the consumption tax is lowered, the source for pensions would be cut by 30%”.

「消費税なんですが、みなさんからお預かりしている消費税、これは年金・介護・医療そして子育てシェア、社会保障の大切な財源です。これをですね、野党のみなさまがおっしゃるように下げるとなると、年金財源は3割カットしなくてはならなくなる」 - 茂木敏充

Although there might be a small amount of sense in this statement, the wording caused great reflections from the public as well as from other politicians. It’s reported that on SNS people say “it’s threatening the citizens”, “the budget for national defense is up 5 trillion yen from last year”, “why don’t they cut the size of the House by 30%, and cut the members’ wage and bonus by 30%”, etc.

The vehement discussion online causes the tag to trend today on June 27.

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