What does 年収200万 mean? Why is 年収200万 trending on Twitter in Japan? (Jun 20 2022)?

年収200万 means an annual income of 2,000,000 Japanese yen (roughly 15,000 USD). There's a magazine titled 「年収200万円で豊かにくらす」, that is "Live Richly with a 2 Million Yen Annual Income".

年収200万 means an annual income of 2,000,000 Japanese yen (roughly 15,000 USD), which, by any standard, is low in a developed country like Japan.

A psychiatric doctor posted a picture yesterday of a magazine titled 「年収200万円で豊かにくらす」, that is Live Richly with a 2 Million Yen Annual Income, and has led to heated discussion today, with Twitter users sharing their experiences and criticizing the author/companies/government/other Twitter users/etc, causing the tag to trend.

Although being a developed country, Japan has struggled to get its economy expanding with a shrinking population. It’s too large a topic to be discussed in this blog though.

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