What is エスピナス? Why is エスピナス trending on Twitter in Japan? (Jun 14 2022)?

エスピナス is a monster Espinas in the game series Monster Hunter, which has been announced to appear in the next DLC of Monster Hunter Rise - Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

エスピナス is a fictional monster Espinas that appears in the game series Monster Hunter.

Today a new DLC of Monster Hunter Rise is announced - Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, with some monsters from previous games reintroduced, Espinas being one of them.

Monster Hunter is one of the most influential game series in Japan, so a great portion of netizens has something to say on the latest news, be it their past experience of the game or simply anticipation on the coming DLC. The discussion causes the tag to trend.

Learn more about Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak on their official website.

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