What is 三角関数? Why is 三角関数 trending on Twitter in Japan? (May 19 2022)

三角関数 means trigonometric function. A member of the House of Representatives of Japan mentioned it on his Twitter account on May 17.

三角関数 means trigonometric function, e.g., sin() cos() tan() cot(), etc. A member of the House of Representatives of Japan mentioned it on his Twitter account on May 17.

The member’s name is 藤巻健太 (Fujimaki Kenta), and his tweet says,




“Isn’t it better that we learn finance and economy rather than trigonometric functions?”

We discussed about the topic of financial education on the Commitee of Finance.

Over the last couple of days, there has been quite heated discussion on this issue on Twitter in Japan. Some are seriously addressing the topic and pointing out the importance of basic math knowledge, while others mock or create memes about it, causing the tag to trend on Twitter in Japan.

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